I wanted to participate in a group of diverse and interesting people because it brings this melding of minds. So that was what I was looking for when I came to the mastermind group. That hive mind.
I had previously done one to one coaching with Sara and made incredible leaps and I was ready to further my learning with Sara but in a different format!
The group were from different fields and different regions in the world. I think that was really interesting to find out that knowledge and experience is very much transferable. So when we were learning things as a group, people would bring their experience of that mindset or that area. And it was always relevant, even if that person was from a different background. I was also able to bring my experience to the group too.
Something specific that I learned in the course – I always thought of myself as somebody who could learn skills, but I had never perceived leadership as a set of skills, more as an inner ability that you were sort of born with, like the ability to sing. And one of the things I definitely learned is that leadership is a skillset and it’s honed over time and the learning of how to be a leader never ends. Once I realised that, I could work strategically on improving elements of that skillset.
Since the mastermind, I’ve taken on some more public facing engagements and assumed more responsibility over my domain of the company. So that’s actually led to some really interesting connections here in London, and a project that we’ve started on recently called London Voice, where we’re doing actual public intervention, something that I never would have gotten near to before, as usually I’m the person behind the scenes.
I’ve also got more involved in the management of the legal and finances in the company, where I realised I had an affinity to these things, and that maybe they weren’t being managed optimally. And that was causing frustration to me, and also causing disruption to the company. Plus we’re closing in on a new round of funding now.
In terms of mindset shifts, it was a really different experience hearing other people’s views on them and how they’d experienced difficult mindsets, and how they’d overcome them. And then we had Sara helping guiding us through with really good mechanisms on how to deal with it. So, things like how to manage stress or founder relations, or, the common imposter syndrome! I’ve definitely integrated some of those mechanisms into my life. And I think the group setting made that an easier process, because you could tell how these people had tried that in their lives. And you could implement that in your own life, rather than sort of having this flat, kind of cold model in front of you. The group made it a human experience
You learn how it works for different people in different ways. And in real situations with evidence. Sometimes it’s the evidence that it didn’t work, but then you learn how to reframe it to make the tool more effective.
I learned a lot about myself through the eyes of other people, which is something I haven’t really experienced before. And the group melded really well. So I think Sara did a really great job on finding the right people for this group. It can be a great supplement to one on one coaching with Sara.
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