When I first contacted Sara my clinical career had reached a peak. I was looking for where to focus my energies next in my career (and was even thinking about changing career) and going down the route of working in consulting in a corporate environment. I needed some objectivity to that. It became clear to me early on that I wanted to harness my entrepreneurial streak and build upon the company that I had set up. It became clear I was more interested in the business side of running a service (in all its aspects).
My business has changed direction and diversified client base and income streams in the time that I have been working with Sara.
When I met Sara, Rise was delivering critical care into Spire Manchester (private healthcare organisation in the UK) and had moved into provision of junior doctors and middle grade doctors.
There’s been some changes since…
- We then, as a business, moved into insourcing, providing doctors to to help bring down the waiting list times in the UK healthcare system. That part is still growing and is helping to diversify our client list.
- Through delivering junior doctors, I became frustrated with an out of date “bleep” system and developed a technology solution (an app) to help streamline that process. Spire are keen to pilot that new technology. We are also now looking at development of cardiac surgery at Spire, Manchester.
- And the big prize is to solve the problem of cardiac capacity in the North West of the UK (which has the longest waiting lists in the country). The private sector hasn’t helped the NHS in Manchester. That joined up thinking isn’t happening and we’re trying to bring private and public sectors together!
I’ve got over my “imposter syndrome” to bring on board prominent businessmen and key figures in the medical space, to support me in my big picture vision of solving cardiac capacity!
Having contracts with different organisations has been great for the business, rather than relying on one client. And I still plan to push that further.
The two big intangible changes in me has been confidence and focus. I am certainly more confident in my own abilities. Sara is able to listen to complicated scenarios, assimilate information and extract the salient points; which helps me to see a situation and look at it differently. So, I am more able to focus and see exactly what I need to do to progress. It’s interesting because my wife says I’m now a lot more focused!
I would highly recommend Sara as a coach! I’m extremely grateful that I found her!
Watch the video testimonial