Sara gets coaching AND the business world ELM

By |2024-05-03T15:23:52+00:00May 3rd, 2024|

One of my tangible highlights was stopping always chasing revenue growth (something that has been a really difficult thing to change). And a refocus towards profitability, rather than chasing revenue, that was really useful to me, because that was part of my real growth through this process.

A Safe Space to Get Advice, Feedback and Support from Other CEO’s

By |2024-04-09T10:56:20+00:00April 5th, 2024|

One major outcome was around dealing with  difficult people. I really took a lot away from the group. It also coincided with me having to deal with an issue within one of the portfolio companies in our group. And I started discussions around it, which really helped, because it was at a time when that situation was live and was real.  I was able to really take action to save one of the portfolio companies that I was dealing with, that was for the better.

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