I was done with single digit % profitability. 30%+ here I come!

By |2024-04-24T12:58:02+00:00April 24th, 2024|

I decided that I don't want to be at a single digit % kind of profitability, I want a good double digit profitability, which is in excess of 30%. I started making business decisions (like cutting units, focusing on higher margin clients, focusing on high margin work) that aligned with this goal. I stopped procrastinating on the tough decisions!

I Realised Alignment of Vision and a Truly Connected Team is Everything

By |2024-04-12T14:07:45+00:00April 12th, 2024|

After bringing SIS to 40% YoY revenue growth and realising that there was a real divergence of vision with the Board; I decided it was the right time to move on to my next leadership adventure. It was the right time for SIS to reset and find its own way, under new leadership. For me, the team spirit and culture is everything and I'm super excited to move on to my next adventure!

Develop my Coaching Skills as a Leader Has Led to Better Results

By |2024-04-29T12:20:35+00:00April 9th, 2024|

By employing that kind of coaching mindset, as a leader, and also better questioning with customers, we get to the heart of leadership team and customer issues and challenges faster. And I find that people open up quicker as well. For example, prior to this shift in my approach, our sales calls would follow a broad framework of questions, but they never really got to the heart of the issue, which was, in our world, the visceral pain that our prospects feel. Now we do. Both externally and internally.

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