4 Ways to Build a Culture that Supports a Future-Proof Business

By |2020-08-28T16:12:35+00:00August 28th, 2020|

My article for Entrepreneur Magazine. "Maintaining an effective culture is so important that it, in fact, trumps even strategy." This quote from Harvard Business School professor Howard Stevenson makes me wonder: How many of us have ever worked in a company that truly has a culture that inspires motivation and innovation from employees? The search for such a culture is what many may [...]

Authentic Power & Authentic Leadership

By |2020-08-07T12:38:35+00:00August 14th, 2020|

Many people talk about Authentic Leadership, but what does this really mean? It starts by doing the work to know who you are as a leader: a unique leader, with a unique identity. If we fail to do that and don't develop our own natural style, we risk 'imposter syndrome', exhaustion from being inauthentic to [...]

3 Reasons Why a Strong Purpose is a Good Business Idea

By |2020-08-11T08:04:09+00:00August 11th, 2020|

Most entrepreneurs enter that space because they want to create a positive impact on the world. They have a purpose and a mission. They see a problem; they find a way to solve it. The reasons why we do the things that we do are everything. However, it can be all too easy to lose [...]

New Paradigm of Leadership: It’s Time to Step Up

By |2020-08-07T12:29:50+00:00August 7th, 2020|

Can you remember strong examples of great leadership during your career? What about examples of bad leadership? Leadership is a concept that is difficult to define and means something different to everyone. But what we tend to define it by is what we already know or have experienced. Often, when I pose this question to [...]

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